At the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen is a 6 month program: ‘Game on‘ for international students…
magic circle
In my article on the Magic Game Circle as a model, I mentioned cheating to…
I was invited to present the Magic Game Circle at the 44th Isaga (International Simulation…
Een presentatie over de toekomst en de rol van gamen voor fysiotherapie op de Kwaliteitsconferentie.
In the movie “Waht the Bleep do we know” the following seen clearly refers to…
Calvin and Hobbs know about the magic circle and are great game designers, they design…
A great conference organised by students for students at the Amsterdam Medical Centre. Interesting talks…
My prezi presentation on the magic circle as a reminder for those who saw me…
Just links and articles on the magic circle discussion: The Magic Circle – is not…
In train, challenged in wordfeud by F. He made a smuck remark in the chat……