While playing these simple games like threes, 2084, I recognise the different layers/levels of play, the dynamics of me learning to find easy and difficult strategies which bring me further inside the…

While playing these simple games like threes, 2084, I recognise the different layers/levels of play, the dynamics of me learning to find easy and difficult strategies which bring me further inside the…
I was invited to give a workshop at the Major Game Design and Development at Hanze Hogeschool in Groningen. 16 international students working together in teams to develop serious games for children…
The Media Instituut ‘Beeld & Geluid’ hosted a Retrogames festival, and we were invited to do a Retro Game Design Workshop to a class of children at the age of 12 years old, including…
More info on the Summerschool: Gamesandplay Description of the workshop: “A hands-on workshop with post-its and markers for all participants to participate on how to taste and ‘cook’ a game. In this…
Two older women in the train were talking with each other when I heard: “she said she was only able to cope with it thanks to Wordfeud!”. So I asked what and…
Travelling to Paris for Doctor’s 2.0 2014 to talk about the game for the kidneyfoundation, work in progress by Little Chicken & Monpellier Venture.
Best Quotes About Play & Learning (which I stole/quote from childsplaymagazine.com) “Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold.” ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce (author)
I’ve been talking about the magic game circle on stage at TEDxutrecht.com theme: BEHAVE. Ps: 12 out of 15 balloon remains have been returned!
My workshop at the Technical University Eindhoven, a small group, limited timing, but we made it (MGC) work, thanks to the participants! See the results here>>
As I always knew gaming can deliver more then only fun and enjoyment, it is now proven…. but still more research is needed offcourse… ; ) “Neuroplasticity is the ability of the…