Interesting article on the magic circle, Pac-man is the main character in this ‘story’, to make to magic circle understood. I agree on every bit, whished I wrote this ; ) Read…
See the full “taxanomy” or my researchresult here: who said what is a game >> Philosopher Bernard Suits (grasshopper; games,life and utopia) Definition of playing a game; the voluntary effort to overcome…
“De termen waarmee wij de elementen van het spel kunnen aanduiden, liggen voor een groot deel in de aesthetische sfeer. Het zijn de termen, waarmee wij ook effecten van schoonheid trachten uit…
With we worked from 2005 till 2010 on Vitamine P, a concept for a social communitysite for elderly to play daily puzzles together. Concept trailer >> Presentation design for elderly (Prezi)…
Between 200 and 2010 I designed and developed websites with, below an indication: