Coach4life on tv!

The morning talkshow: “Koffietijd” (=coffeetime) featured Coach4Life (which I co-developed) The kidneypatient Irene is my favorite tester involved in the beta testing (since she was clever enough to cheat by altering her Iphone time…

Other wonderlands…

I wonder…. I have all these friends engaged in the same – but different – wonders in life. My dear friend Meike Ziegler enables bewonderments full time with her I have a…

Pure play!

I consider this to be an example of pure play: Watch this video and judge if I am right or not. These guys self determine: competence, autonomy and relatedness… (SDT theory)

I love Roamler

The video explains clearly how motivating (addictive) it is to do tasks for Roamler, and another video about what Roamler is. I have been a Roamler fan since there first beta launch.…

How to manage Mood (and why)

A load research is done in applying games as a tool in therapy to cope with depression, but what if we implement happiness as a default in life, at work…. I would…

Presenting Coach4life at G4H!

Together with Adrea Nijhuis from the Dutch Kidneyfoundation we co-presented the lifestylbehaviorchange app/game at the G4H conference: Coach 4 life… many great reactions from the audience afterwards! (ps counter alreasy over 1000 downloads!)