The Turnclub as the aspirations to turn things around via Art. “Therefore, in navigating a complex world, we need to be intuitive, creative, imaginative, innovative, flexible, and able to respond quickly to what…

To teach design thinking and other 21 th century skills I was invited to do a workshop (similar as we did a workshop in Pune – India last year) at Bilkent Laboratory…

This friday april 20th was finally the booklaunch of Apply Play • to get ahead of the game. I want to thank THNK Academy for providing me this location, in the modules,…

Once upon a time a team of students at the University of Amsterdam were very confident about their game concept, and about developing their game. It was a matter of putting the…

How to design games for a elderly, was the topic of my talk at the Game Developers Conference in Istanbul 2018. I showed samples and experienced, and shared why this target group…
For the University in Leiden (15th nov) I organise a workshop with 70 students about gamedesign and teamwork. topic: “old & lonely?” De prezi presentation 15 november >> Canvasses for printing wetransfer…

Last weekend of september I was invited to join the Herd of the Internet of Elephants to the Steppes Beyond 2017 Festival in the Royal Geographical Society in London to have visitors play with 6…
I was invited to talk at the Internet of people event about Internet of Elephants. I presented the concept of Internet of Elephants and how we aim to reuse location and other data retrieved…

After 1,5 years working with Internet of Elephants, I am honoured to be receiving this mention and title: “OUR PROFESSOR OF PLAY: ELLIS BARTHOLOMEUS” read the full blog here >> Plus I do…