While trying to figure out what is said by experts (check this post) to be…
Original article: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions Very interesting about motivation…
Interesting article on the magic circle, Pac-man is the main character in this ‘story’, to…
Player motivations: A psychological perspective – Barbaros Bostan Strong focus on RPG’s (role-playing games). On…
Stumbled upon the following article online: A GAMIFICATION FRAMEWORK FOR INTERACTION DESIGNERS (or as pdf) A…
[research mainly on MMORPG games] An empirical model of player motivations in online games provides…
Garris et al. GAMES, MOTIVATION, AND LEARNING a research and practice model (2002) Dat games…
Goed verhaal over gameverslaving, wel of niet een maatschappelijk probleem? En hoe de media er…