who is ellis bartholomeus?

throughout her career, ellis bartholomeus has been intrigued with the value of play. she graduated from the Design Academy in 1996 as a product designer and realized that to have audiences own a message they needed to interact with it. since then she has been designing play as a method/tool to amplify self-motivated learning and enable rich social interaction.
this website is my personal archive which might be interesting for whoever is interested in gaming and design.
ellis has co-developed more than 50 games and playful interactive products on a wide spectrum of topics. For example, she created a tool to help kidney malfunction patients adapt their lifestyle and cope with the disease and a puzzle platform for the elderly to stay cognitively fit by becoming more familiar with technology and the internet.
after years of developing products, ellis wrote Apply Play, a book on the art of play. she gives talks and facilitates workshops on the value and power of play and how to make a change while designing and driving intrinsic motivation. her work has impacted groups around the world.
on a personal level ellis in wonderland also knits grafitti with BreiwerkWest in amsterdam.