I decided to enter the Dutch Hacking Health Hackathon 2020 online to face some serious Corona Challenges in a team. We were team of 8, great diversity with knowledge and experience, plus great tools online in our challenge to co-create together a solution within just a few days, while NOT eing physically together. We met twice a day online, discussed tasks and activities, and worked together on Miro (see attachment).
What we finally created was a low threshold concept for vulnerable people in Amsterdam North, for those who were in need of external triggers and nudges to cope with their daily life, and now with the semi-lockdown being in the risk of getting in isolation and depression.
What we decided was important is to make sure the level of understanding, and getting acces to participate to be as low as possible, for those not using digital tools, and even difficulties to read… to use our concept. Secondly we wanted to make sure that ownership and autonomy is in the hands of our user, we do not wish to control them, but provide and enable them to get control… so freedom is key, having a choose how to create your program for a day, or a week, is in your hands, what activity you do is your choice. Thirdly we hope to make people level up and make them help others with creating cards, and invite others to connect, even when social interaction is so limited due to Covid19… we are in this together not alone…
see here the video of team #24 Noord aan Boord (in Dutch)
Thanks for my great team, for an amazing experience, PS we were in the top five finalist, and are proceeding with the problem owners implementing the pilot of this results… so stay tuned! to be conitnued…