Brenda Brathwaite: “Gaming for understanding” talks about gaming and play very clear… and the value of play, or the making of abstract (difficult) topics meaningfull in play. Watch this TEDxtalk:
5-8 february 2014 in Amsterdam the Interaction Conference: “Interaction14 will explore the wide diversity of interaction design practices and seek inspiration from related disciplines. Four days of workshops, presentations and social events.…

This interview is done by Fast Moving Targets at Games for Health Conference 2013. “Validation is not the holy grail in game research” “We need great “chefcooks” in our game industry” “My…

I was mentioned in the newspaper for the Dutch Design Week this week…. In 1997 I graduated at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, my project was “Poetry in public transport”.I made several…

At the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen is a 6 month program: ‘Game on‘ for international students to work in applied game development. While working on a HIV awareness game for Kenya, they are…
A Masterclass for care/cure professionals & orginasations together with Willem Jan Renger of the HKU Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Economic Board Utrecht, Kamer van Koophandel Midden-Nederland en IVVU. See my Prezi presentation here…
Kolb wrote about learning styles, and the following graph relates very close to gaming to, in learning it is a circle from: feeling -> watching -> thinking -> doing…. for learning everyone…
Recently a countdown was added to the traffic lights for cyclists in Amsterdam. I was rather intrigued, it DID change my behaviour as a cyclist; to be patient and wait for the light to turn green!…