Old photo still relevant today

This picture is taken at Laika on the Westergasfabriek, the company I co-founded in 2000, and left in 2010. Then we made a tagcloud as decoration on our window… still enjoying these…

Talk about play in Rio

I was invited to talk at the Design Week in Rio de Janeiro november 2015. The location was beautiful, the event was perfect, and the people were great. Something unexpected was the…

How I became a play alchemist

I am invited at the Hanze School in Groningen te present to first years game design students about being a professional game designer. My presentation is second in an interesting line up…

Who am I?

I love these questionaries with a very solid numeric outcome as reference to what and who I am to learn and reflect (playful) about my identity, one test says my Gaming Style is ‘Calm, Spontaneous,…