Who am I?

Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 12.15.35I love these questionaries with a very solid numeric outcome as reference to what and who I am to learn and reflect (playful) about my identity, one test says my Gaming Style is ‘Calm, Spontaneous, Relaxed, Independent, Grounded, and Practical’, but as I read the profile… I am mainly not a game in the specific test, so small my presence, but still it gives me insights on me and the other gamers and on the test, it provides me some perspective to relate to ; ) 
More tests and who I ‘am’…

  • What is your Gamer Motivation?
  • Which Famous Scientist Are You? I am Albert Einstein (offcourse ; ) – “You are restless and curious with a great imagination and mathematical mind. You don’t let failed attempts hold you back, instead they inspire you! You believe a mistake can be your greatest learning experience. Your creative spirit makes you fun and interesting to be around.”
  • Which famous female scientist are you? I am Elizabeth Blackwell – In the 19th century, this woman was the first female doctor in the United States! You are a trailblazer and you love to take care of others. You know what’s right and wont stand for less!
  • What Type Of Scientist Do You Think Like? ( I am a biologist: “More than anything else, you are fascinated by the inner workings of the beings that evolved on this planet. You look at the very smallest and very largest levels and figure out every possible thing you can. You are methodical and concerned about environmental impact. For you study the transfer of energy and realize the devastation imbalances can have on ecosystems large and small. You are the inner consciousness of the human form incarnate.”)
  • Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test – I am an ENFP Extravert(3%)  iNtuitive(31%)  Feeling(6%)  Perceiving(3%) = I have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion + I have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing + I have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking + I have marginal or no preference of Perceiving over Judging (3%) ENFPs are both “idea”-people and “people”-people, who see everyone and everything as part of a cosmic whole.
  • This previous Jung Typology test result can also be used to see which character in Starwars you relate to most… I am the Champion appearantly!
  • Following that Jung test combined with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality I am also a combination of: Bilbo Baggins (“master of baths”) IPFN – The combination of a highly fluid identity and relative sensory preference in this mood means the INFP likes an inordinate quantity of alone time. and “angry aesthete” (“lover of beauty”) PIFN – Tying their identity to art, an INFP in this mood is angry about the very existence of art of low quality. Unfortunately, they’re usually right.
  • And I appear Yellow, following this test: Insight Color personality test
  • Your Marczewski’s User Type: I am a free spirit and socialiser! (Free Spirit: 20%, Socialiser: 20%, Achiever: 18.33%, Disruptor: 18.33%, Philanthropist: 18.33%, Player: 5%)
  • Who are you online? “I am shrewd and somewhat insensitive.” (really?)
  • 16 personalities: I am an protagonost ‘With vision and determination, nothing is impossible.’
  • What Type Of Unicorn Are You?
  • Which avatar character would you be?
  • What team role player would you be(Belbin)? (I am an evenly divided pie in 9 characters, mainly a completer!?)
  • The four playertype test tells me I am an Innovator! (28% Ace, 50% Effector, 57% Innovator and 33% Strategist!)
  • What kind of videogamer ar you? the BrainHax questionairre: “I am a Master Mind” my  BrainHex Sub-Class is MastermindSeeker. “You like solving puzzles and devising strategies as well as finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things.” Mastermind: 20  Seeker: 12  Conqueror: 11  Socialiser: 5  Survivor: 2  Daredevil: 1  Achiever: 0
  • And see My full game Profile here (pdf)
  • And the Dutch test: “how normal are you?” (Hoenormaalbenjij.nl) gave me a score of not normal, but however hard I tried to get an extreme normal result, it appeared impossible, which is greatly done!

And for those who wish to found out how full your glass is: Do the Happiness test!
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