Empathy game design: Shape Quest

Three students at the University of Amsterdam developed within a few month a game for youth on the topic of problematic social behaviour, how to deal with anxiety, how to respond to cooperation or how to cope with missing cooperation when to be expected. I have been so lucky to coach this team in their last few weeks of development. And the overcome obstacles in their process. Team hurdles to overcome, stress management, the alleged lack of certain talents, they showed amazing stamina and resilience while continuing the great work, and managed to create a working game with several interesting levels to be played.
I will never forget to see all three of them crying of joy while watching and listening to their own humoristic trailer for the first time finished.
They won the first prize of the Games4health Awards Utah 2016 in the category “Empathy Challenge”.
So well deserved since they covered the wide range of game design, it’s complexity, it’s multi- ánd disciplinary character, and they made a create trailer on top of that: see the Shape Quest trailer here >> 

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